Lace Wedding Gown Restoration

1930’s Lace Wedding Gown

This beautiful wedding gown was limp and full of holes, damage due to the fibres being brittle and fragile.


Many hours of restorative stitching torn areas with fine tulle using underpinning techniques to support the shredding lace. Stabilising stitches and threads. Strengthening the beautiful satin buttons and stitching a support band of tulle behind the loops to help take the strain.



Revamped and revived, this gown has now had a new wedding day.

‘Abi restored a very beautiful but fragile 1930s lace dressing for my wedding.

Through Covid lockdowns and other wedding preparation hiccups, she worked on my dress with great skill and patience, to create an amazing, unique dress. She also altered and embellished two vintage bridesmaid dresses for me too.

She is both an excellent seamstress and a designer extraordinaire! It was also a wonderful experience working with her and I cannot thank her enough for her patience and creativity’.


If you are interested in purchasing this, or any other item, please get in touch using the form below to give me a bit more detail.

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